Siddharth||Brookline MA Newborn & Family Photography

Siddharth is here! Sweet Sid, an itty-bitty peanut of a babe, was only about 6 lbs at the time of his photo session.

While most newborns I photograph have a bit of soft baby "fur" his amma (momma) noted that she had possibly given birth to a little wolf cub. I'll admit that he is one of furriest little guys I've ever seen!  His full head of hair is enviable , and his eyebrows basically blend into his hairline! 

Sid joins his darling big sister, the adorable and hilarious Ananya. At 2.5, she is amazingly curious, talkative and silly. While Sid took a snack break with his amma, Ananya was happy to model for me.Family photos with a newborn and a toddler are challenging to say the least. Sid decidedly looks concerned about the entire situation here, while Ananya finds something hilarious. Could be the beginning of a childhood long pattern, perhaps!! Sid's amma & appa couldn't be more smitten with their tiny bundle.“There are many things, I’m sure, without which we could not live…but love is the only one I can think of.”  - Leigh Standley

To this darling growing family - it was such a joy to meet you! I'm so happy I was on hand to capture this early time as a family of four for you all!

Postscript for you all:

Do you have a little person arriving soon? I suggest booking ahead of your due date to ensure session availability. It’s never too early to contact me about a future session – I generally schedule a few months out – 617-480-0387 or

Also, for more cuteness, please jump on over to Instagramand follow me there for babies and other loveliness every day!  #willowbabydaily

Willow Baby Studios specializes in newborn and baby photography for Boston area families.

I’d be honored to capture lovely photos of your favorite people soon. 

And Gloria Makes Five!||Boston Family Photography

All four of them waited, and waited, especially the momma with her heavy, moving belly and then, after all that, after almost 42 weeks of waiting.... she's finally arrived...

Here's the most beloved baby Gloria. She joins two goofy big brothers ready to teach her the ways of their family....With these experts leading the way, she will undoubtedly become quite talented at making silly faces soon, pushing her parent's buttons in time, and, eventually joining her family in singing practice. (How cool is that?!)


I think this is how we are supposed to be in the world -present and in awe.   Anne Lamott


I briefly interrupt for a brief four year old interlude..... And now, presenting this lovely momma of three, who parents her brood with such an amazing base of calm.... I'm sure she may beg to differ, and certainly she must have her moments of, eh-hem,"cursing like a sailor" but she has such a relaxed and go-with-the flow attitude, that watching her roll with the chaos of all the kiddos is quite remarkable. And the daddy of the three kiddos? Here he is, being all good-natured, with an easy sense of humor. And lastly, the whole family of five... (it's possible that certain members needing a bit more corralling... any guesses?) A big huge thank you to all of you. And a big huge welcome to you, Gloria! I'm so happy that you arrived safely, and that I had the honor of capturing this amazing time for your family.



Postscript for you all:

Do you need beautiful photos of your family? I would love to take them!  It’s never too early to contact me about a future session – I often schedule a few months out – 617-480-0387 or   

Also, for more cuteness, please jump on over to Instagram and follow me there for new adorable-ness every day!  #willowbabydaily

Baby Penelope||Boston Newborn Photography

You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars

-e.e. cummings

Oh, look! It's a new little person, the darling Miss Penelope. I think she's here to remind us of the amazing amount of beauty that exists all around. Looking at her tiny little hands, strawberry blond hair, and delicate lashes, brought me such a wave of gratitude for my job as documenter.


Penelope was alert for just a bit of her newborn session, as she was still needing a lot of rest after the tiring experience of being born. Her momma couldn't take her eyes off her sleeping babe, and watching the two of them snuggle up was almost too much.... just look at Momma's face - she radiates a calm joy that is remarkably beautiful. Could Penelope's daddy be more smitten with her? I just adore the sweetness of this moment.... To Penelope - I am so happy you arrived safe and sound, and that I had the honor of being your very first photographer. And to Penelope's parents - it's been a joy getting to know your family, and I hope to see you three again soon.



Do you need beautiful photos of your favorite people? I would love to take them!  It’s never too early to contact me about a future session – I often schedule a few months out – 617-480-0387 or  

And, for more daily cuteness, please jump on over to Instagram and follow me there for daily adorableness!  #willowbabydaily